A Mess Or A Mission?

Today, we begin a new sermon series on reaching our culture for Christ. As Christians, we are counter-culture, but we have a choice. We can see our culture only as a mess or we can see it as a mission. We as a church can simply exist in maintenance mode focusing on buildings, budgets and by-laws or we can be in a mission mode, focusing on building bridges to our culture to share Christ. Which will we be?

How do we live counterculture as a Christian to reach people for Christ. First, we have to view that the Christian life is a mission trip. Nearly every day in America 9,000 people die. Most them die without Christ. We need to reach them in this mission trip we are on currently. Why? God has always been a sender. Second, as view that the more sinful and sick our culture becomes the more sensible and sane we appear to them. This means we must live the truth and love the people. Third, this means we mus tlive our lives as ambassadors for Jesus Christ. And fouth, we must have the same attitudfe as the early church: be known as loving people as Jesus did.