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Can you believe Thanksgiving is already here? Instead of thanking God for the usual things we typically do at Thanksgiving (i.e., family, friends, faith, firmness (health) and etc., I thought this Thanksgiving to thank God for very unusual things this year:

  1. Puppy breath — it always amazes me when we hold a puppy, that one of the things we always seem to mention is the puppy breath. Veterinarians have wondered for years what causes puppy breath. It seems we now know. It is the combination of the mother’s milk with digestive enzymes. “Thank You Lord for puppy breath!”
  2. Blood vessels — did you know that in the average human, there are more than 100,000 miles of blood vessels present. Isn’t it amazing how God created our bodies with blood vessels. We have five types of blood vessels: arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venues and veins. Each of these has its unique purpose created by God. “Thank You Lord for blood vessels.”
  3. Leaves turning brilliant colors in the Fall — this is due to the chlorophyll breaking down and the green fades away, letting the yellow/orange carotenoids blaze forth, giving autumn its splash, dash and panache. At the same time, other chemical changes occur, giving rise to more pigments which vary from yellow to red to blue. “Thank You Lord for the Fall colors of leaves.”
  4. Ability to learn — have you ever thought about how God created our minds to learn? As neural networks begin to develop as we age, neurons form and the more we are exposed to new things, the stranger the synopsis between the neurons become, allowing us to learn and remember. This is why trying multiple approaches to learning is so important. “Thank You Lord for creating neurons for us to lean.”
  5. The smell of coffee brewing and the smell of chocolate chips baking. Even if you do not like coffee, there is something about the smell of coffee brewing and chocolate chips baking.  I have a neighbor who since she was a teen due to an illness has not been able to smell or taste. “Thank You Lord for the smell of coffee brewing and the smell of chocolate chips baking.”
  6. Foot rubs — isn’t it awesome how great a foot rub feels provided you have washed your fee first,. HA! We spend a lot of time on our feet and if our spouse or someone else takes the time to give us a foot rubbing, it is amazing how great that feels. “Thank You Lord for foot rubbings.”
  7. Flushing toilets — yes — you read that correctly. I have been in very poor countries where sanitation was a problem. The stench and disease this can cause are horrific. “Thank You Lord for flushing toilets.”
  8. A campfire and a fireplace — isn’t it so relaxing to sit around a campfire with the crackling and the blazes of fire under a starry night? Feeling the heat, seeing the flames, and hearing he crackling makes us very sleepy. “Thank You Lord for campfires and fireplaces.”
  9. First experiences — these typically leave a lasting impression and memory. Your first kiss. Your first date. Your first time driving. Your first child. Your first pet. First time flying. First time at school. Your first surfboard. You giving your life to Christ and baptism. “Thank You Lord for first time experiences.”
  10. Laughter, giggles and humor — can you imagine how horrible life would be with our laughter and humor? That our God gave us the ability to laugh, giggle, and experience humor helps relieve stress in our bodies. “Thank You Lord for laughter, giggles and humor.”
  11. The perfect pair of jeans — most of us have that favorite pair of jeans we love to wear. I’ve had pairs that I simply wore them out.. ”Thank You For that perfect pair of jeans.”
  12. Amylase — this is an enzyme in our body. Amylase catalyses (i.e., speeds up the process) the hydrolysis of starch into sugars. Amylase is present in the saliva of humans and some other mammals, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. “Thank You Lord for Amylase."

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 1:18, “We give thanks in whatever happens. That is what God wants for you in Christ Jesus” (NCV). Another version says, “In all things give thanks . . .” Really? All things? WOW! The Bible says in Psalm 100:4-5, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.
(5) For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations” (NIV).

  • John Henry Jowett has said, “Life without thankfulness is devoid of love and passion. Hope without thankfulness is lacking in fine perception. Faith without thankfulness lacks strength and fortitude. Every virtue divorced from thankfulness is maimed and limps along the spiritual road.”
  • Several ago I was watching the television show, America’s Funniest Home Videos. They were showing a home video clip of a family opening Christmas gifts. The parents were all excited about their school-age son opening his gifts. As he opened one and saw what it was. He went into a rage. He threw it across the home, hollering, “That is not what I wanted. I wanted (and he began to scream, cry and name what he had wanted for Christmas.) I didn’t see anything funny about it. In fact, I made the remark to Audrey that if that had been our son I would have not tolerated that kind of behavior.

Love you, Pastor Kelly

Verse To Meditate On: King David writes in Psalm 107:21, “Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind” (NIV).

Prayer to Pray: “Dear Jesus, I do not express enough thanksgiving to You for all the blessings You give to me on a daily basis. Nor do I give You thanks for even the simple things in life. This week Lord as we celebrate Thanksgiving, convict me to thank You for “every good and perfect gift from You” (James 1:17). Help me to thank You for even unusual things I either take for granted or ignore. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

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