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The word of Christmas we are focusing on today is the word FAVOR. When the angel greeted Mary in Luke 1:28, he said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” (NLT). That phrase, “highly favored,” is the Greek word, [χαριτόω, charito], and it means “graced with grace, enfolded with an abundance of favor, and made acceptable.” The word is found only two times in the whole Bible. The first time, it describes Mary. The second time it is used, charitoo describes you. In Ephesians 1:6, “We praise God for the glorious grace that He favored us with and by which He made us accepted in the beloved” (PAR).

What happens to highly favored people? The angel explained it to Mary. He said to Mary in Luke 1:35, "The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God" (NLT). The phrase, “the Holy Spirit will come upon you” also appears just twice in Scripture. And just like the phrase, “highly favored,” the first time it’s about Mary, and the second time, it’s about you.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus said in Acts 1:8, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (NLT). The same Spirit-power that was promised to Mary, the highly favored one, at the conception of Jesus, was passed on to us, the highly favored ones, by Jesus at the conception of his church.

What kind of person does God favor? Upon what kind of person does God pour out his Spirit? You don’t need any advanced theological training. You don’t have to jump through any hoops. You don’t even have to write a paper. A simple yes will do. Mary just said, yes in Luke 1:38, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true” (NLT). And her “yes” changed the world. Because Mary said “yes,” Jesus was born into the world through her. Because Mary said “yes,” God was able to accomplish His will for the world. Because Mary said “yes,” the power of hHs Spirit was released in and through her life. 

Have you said “yes” to God? The promise of God to you and to all of us who call on the name of Jesus is that you also, like Mary, are highly favored, graced with grace, and accepted in the beloved. And God is ready and willing to birth something of the life of Christ through you, by the power of his word and his Spirit if you will just say “Yes.” 

Mary’s “yes” set the miracle in motion. Her “yes” changed the world. Your “yes” can change the world too. You already have God’s favor. He has already accepted you. Now He waits for you to say “yes” so that the Holy Spirit can come upon you in power. If God can create life in the womb of a virgin who said “yes” to Him, simply by His word and His Spirit, what can He do through your life if you say “yes” to the Holy Spirit every day? 

We don’t know anything about Mary’s life before the angel visited her. Why? Because it doesn’t matter. Mary didn’t come from some privileged class. She hadn’t been to seminary. She hadn’t even read “The Purpose Driven Life.” Mary was just an ordinary girl on whom God showed his favor. Mary’s past didn’t matter. Neither does yours. So if you think you’re just an ordinary person, then you are just what God is looking for. All you have to do is say “yes” to Him, and the Holy Spirit will come upon you. And there is nothing more powerful than a man or woman who is fully surrendered to the Spirit of God.

Scripture To Meditate On: Luke 22:42b, Jesus said from the cross, “I want Your will to be done, not Mine” (NLT).

Prayer to Pray: “Almighty God, Your plan of redemption was advanced when one simple peasant girl said `yes’ to You. It was a `yes’ that would change the world. There was no complicated ritual involved. Just the trusting words, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Lord, may it be the same in my life. Help me to cooperate with Your plan for the world by saying `yes’ to You. Even now, I say ‘yes’ to You, Holy Spirit. Come upon me so that the life of Christ may be manifested through me to the needy world around me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

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