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Hope you had a great weekend. This coming weekend, it is going to be brutally cold, even for our town. Some of you have a love for God’s Word, via second-hand. You will listen to a preacher or a podcast or a book, but there is nothing like getting it first hand by reading it daily. I realize this involves more effort and even time. There are challenges to read God’s Word daily.

  1. First challenge — is setting a consistent time and place. Our lives are full and busy and this seems like just one more thing on top of a mile high things we already have to do. Instead of seeing it like that, perspective helps. Most of us never miss meals or at least keeping ourselves nourished rather than malnourished. Why? Food is something we love.

This is where perspective plays a major motivator. See reading God’s Word daily as “spiritual food” for your soul and your relationship with Christ. The prophet Jeremiah writes this in Jeremiah 15:16a, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to me a joy” (ESV). What words? Words from the Old Testament. For most of us, our meal times are rarely consistent based on when we get up in the morning and when when we come home in the afternoon. I suggest morning because it sets the tone and attitude for your day. So, set your alarm 20 minutes earlier which means you go to bed 20 minutes earlier. 

  1. Second challenge — a Bible reading plan. Now, there is an unlimited number on the Internet. There are daily ones for even gender, lifestyle, stress, marriage, parenting, and etc. Take some time to decide which one works for you. I personally use The One Year Bible, so that each year I read through the whole Bible. I have it on my iPad so that I can make notes and each year, it is amazing the difference one year makes and my take and impact of that same scripture one year later. 
  2. Third challenge — Bible reading structure. I typically listen to some contemporary Christian song to get my mind where it needs to be first. It sets the atmosphere. Then I take the reading for that day from The One Year Bible and read it. That takes about 5-6 minutes. Then I go back and ask questions I have learned over the years to ask. Such as:
            • Who’s involved?
            • What’s happening?
            • What’s the setting?
            • What is the example for me to follow?
            • What is the command for me to obey?
            • What is the error for me to avoid?
            • What is the sin for me to forsake?
            • What is the promise for me to claim?
            • What is something new that I’ve learned about God?
            • What is something I don’t understand?

Then I take time to write down the answer these questions in my iPad. This helps the Bible to come alive for me. Some days it is shorter and other days it is longer. The key is to let God’s Word feed your heart and soul. Remember the goal is not to get through the Bible, rather, it is to get the Bible through you. So, take your time to read it. Don’t fly through it, even though long passes that list lineage such as, “Such and such begat such and such, Such and such begat such and such, Such and such begat such and such . . .” Why? 

First, many times these lineages come back in other passages to reaffirm promises to us from God. Second, is 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, (17)  that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (ESV). Notice it says, “All Scripture” and that includes those “Such and such begat such and such . . .” passages. 

Psalm 34:8a says, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!” (ESV). He is and so is His Word. So, taste a sample and discover that it is edible, delicious, and nourishes your heart and soul. Failure to read God’s Word consistently will cause you to become a “spiritual anorexic.” Ever seen an anorexic? They don’t look good physically nor are they healthy. Food strengthens us and keeps us healthy. The same is true spiritually with God’s Word. 

Scripture to Meditate On: Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (ESV).

Prayer To Pray: “Dear Jesus, I commit to reading Your Word daily. Convict me to set a consistent time to do this, even if I have to go to bed earlier. I am sorry for the excuses I give and how I can rationalize not doing this. I understand that when I rationalize, I am making up a rational lie to justify my excuse. I need You Jesus. I hunger for Your Word. It is Bread. It is Life and it is You talking to me. It shines light on those dark areas so I know where to go and what to do. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”

1 Comment

Bill Brewer 4 months ago

Last year I read the Bible chronologically, that was a challenge at times but it helped. This year I'm
Back to the normal order. Thank you for the questions and tips, as it is easy to just read it, ck another day off, and not let the word get in you! Good devotional! Thank You!

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