You’ve made it to Friday. When it comes to days, we often use phrases such “Best Day Ever” and “Living My Best Life” in our conversations and on social media. And we sometimes will even add photos to show how this is true. We often do this from a vacation or possibly a day off and we want to share with others so that they can sort of join us in that day. For many so-called Christians, they want to live their best days now and at some point in the future save God some of our time and days. But please take to heart the words of David in Psalm 118:24, “This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it” (NASB).
For some, they might even be waiting for their mortal lives to end so they can enjoy the bliss of heaven. How do you view each day? Is it a gift from the Lord or is it a drudgery to get through for that day. It is amazing how one person can make our attitude about our day different. Below is a story from Bruce Thieleann:
“A friend of mine who was a minister in southern California told me recently of a woman in a mental sanitarium there. She'd been in the sanitarium for many years with an extreme depression. She used to just sit on a bench every day staring at the earth--no conversation, no response. And one day a new doctor who'd never seen her came down the hall and greeted her. He said, "Good morning!" She made no reply. "What is your name?" he said. No answer.
"Well, my name is Doctor Heven, H-E-V-E-N, and I'll be by to see you again tomorrow." Then he started away. But she lifted her head and said to him--and because he did not know the patient, he did not know how remarkable it was that she was saying anything at all--"What did you say your name was?" He said, "Heven, H-E-V-E-N."
Now, somehow in the confused processes of that wounded mind, that woman confused the word Heven with the word heaven, and she began thinking about heaven. As she thought about heaven, she thought about God, and she thought of God's love made known to us Christ. The next day she said to everyone she met in the hospital, "This is the day which the Lord hath made." And the day after that, "Yea, I walk through the valley of the shadow of evil, but I fear no evil." Within six days she was saying, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Within five weeks she had been released from the hospital, and for the last fourteen years she has been carrying out her responsibilities as a leading teacher in southern California” (Source: Thinking About Heaven).
Even many church people think because they walked an aisle and took a dip in a pool that it’s all good from there—and bonus points if they show up for Christmas and Easter! I pray you are not one of those people. I pray that your journey with Jesus has not gone off course. I pray that your life is a grand adventure led by the Holy Spirit.
I pray that you are seeking the Lord every day and saying yes to His invitations. When you are focused on Him and allowing Him to set your priorities, you can truly say you are having your best days ever. We want to live every day so God’s best is expressed through us.
Questions To Consider
Scripture To Meditate On: Psalm 84:10, For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God, Than dwell in the tents of wickedness” (NASB).
Prayer To Pray: “Heavenly Father, I want Your best for my life. If I have any dreams, desires, or determinations that do not align with Your purposes, I release them to You. Give me Your perspective on the best possible life I could lead for Your glory, so You can one day say to me, “Well done.” Help me honor You and bring glory to You no matter who my day goes. Each day is a gift from You. Please help me to treasure the treasure of each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
I love you Southside!--Pastor Kelly