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The word of Christmas for today is LOVE. If I asked you to summarize Christmas in one word, you might say: giving, joy, family, or hope. But the essence of Christmas — at its very core — is love. If you had to summarize Christmas in one word, that’s what it would be: L-O-V-E. Love.

The most famous verse in the Bible tells us this is true. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16 NKJV). That’s it. Christmas is all about love — the love of God, who was willing to step into the brokenness and the messiness and the sinfulness of humanity and redeem us to himself.

Think about the depth of God’s love for you by answering this question: if you had a son, and you knew your son was about to die because of something someone else had done, and it was completely within your power to prevent his death, wouldn’t you stop it from happening? At the very least, wouldn’t you try to take your son’s place so that he wouldn’t have to die unjustly? Of course you would. Why? Because you love your son. 

Imagine, then, how much more God must love you, that he would give his only son to take your place and die for you, even when you were sinning against him. The Bible says in Romans 5:8, 'But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (NLT).

The depth of God’s love for us is unimaginable. The depth of His love for us is immeasurable. You might even say it’s irrational — it just doesn’t make sense that God would love you and me so deeply. But it’s true. The manger shows it. The cross proves it. The resurrection settles it. The Holy Spirit in you guarantees it. We worship the only God who loves sinners.

“For God so loved the world . . .”  God still loves the world. And He wants to love the world through you. He still loves the world — even when we are sinning against Him. And He wants us to love others, even when they sin against us. So this Christmas, as an act of gratitude for the love of God in Jesus Christ, let me ask you: who can you love that doesn’t deserve it? Who can you love that has been unkind to you or unfair to you? Who can you love that has sinned against you? I’m sure you can think of somebody!

You might say, “Even if I could bring myself to love them, how would I start?” You can start by praying for them. That’s right — pray for them. Jesus said this in Luke 6:28, Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you” (NLT).  Why? Because it is impossible to hate someone in God’s presence. As you pray for them, your heart will begin to change toward them. Your heart will begin to soften — even break. Your heart will become more and more like God’s heart. 

So pray for God’s mercy on them — that’s what they need most. Pray for God to soften their hearts. Pray for God to speak to them and draw them to Himself. Pray for God to bless them. This can be very difficult. But it is very necessary.

Our tendency is to want to get even with our enemies. But the only way to get even with somebody who has hurt you is to stoop to their level. And that is not God’s way of doing things. God’s way is the merciful way — loving us even when we don’t deserve it. Besides, which one do you think is more likely to bring a person closer to Christ: getting even with them or showing them mercy?

So you have to make a choice. ‘God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son.” Between now and Christmas day, as a gift to God — and a gift to yourself — pray for anyone who has been unkind to you. You might even want to send them a text or a note. Just say, “Christmas is the season for love, so I am praying for you today.” Then sit back and see what God does in their life and in yours.

Scripture to Meditate On: Matthew 6:14-15, “And when you pray, make sure you forgive the faults of others so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you. (15) But if you withhold forgiveness from others, your Father withholds forgiveness from you” (TPT).

Prayer To Prayer:  “Father, thank You for loving me. Thank You for sending Jesus to prove it. In this Christmas season, please help me show Your great love to others, especially to those who have hurt me. You loved me when I was sinning against You. And You still chose to give me what I needed, not what I deserved. Help me to love others like You love me when they sin against me. Let my life be a reflection of Your great love for the world this Christmas. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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